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Thursday, July 8, 2010

80 days left!

I had an OB checkup today, and for the most part all went well. I am a chronic worrier though, so I am naturally a little distressed to learn that my little one is currently in the BREECH postition.

Since I am only 28 1/2 weeks along, there is still plenty of time for him to turn around - but if he doesn't do it pretty quick, it will get more difficult, as he will soon get A LOT more cramped in there.

I think something like 25% of all babies are in breech position (butt-first) at the 28 week mark, but only 3% or so are still breech at full term.  And even if he DOESN'T turn around before birth, it doesn't necessarily mean surgery.....while a vaginal birth is way more difficult with a breech baby (and more painful, and more dangerous) it IS possible to still have a 'natural' birth, and avoid a c-section.

But since I naturally worry about EVERYTHING, now I am worried about this - and terrified of the prospect of a C-section, especially with hubby halfway around the world.  I mean, I have finally (almost) mentally prepared myself for the experience of giving birth without hubby here, but cesarean is a MAJOR surgery.  And needles scare me, you know?

Anyway, everything else with baby Thomas is going GREAT.  His measurements were all normal in today's sonogram.  His heart rate was normal, and he is still showing up as a "HE" onscreen.  That's important, right?

My own stats are all good, too.  I have gained a total of 10 lbs so far, and Dr. says 5 more lbs over the next 11 weeks will be OK......that's better than what she said last trimester!  My blood pressure is good, and I still have not experienced any swelling of my hands or feet.  My discomfort issues are limited to my low back, and mostly just when I am trying to sleep.  I guess the braxton-hicks contractions are also uncomfortable/annoying, but  I am coping with them.  I'm having heartburn at least once a day, but it goes away quickly - often without me even needing Tums or anything.

All in all, baby is growing and I am glowing (ish).

Can't wait to post my 3D ultrasound pics in a couple weeks!

Oh, by the way, do you read my Deployment blog too?  I posted a Deployment Playlist over there last week, as part of a contest.  If I win, I get a complete blog makeover!  And if possible, I want to ask Christina to makeover THIS blog, instead of the deployment blog, since that one already had a nice makeover a few weeks ago.  Anyway, my point in all this rambling is to ask you to please go read the post I linked above, and in the bottom of THAT post, click the link to go vote for me, help me win the contest.


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